Legal information and privacy policy

Intellectual property

  • LA VIÑA DEL ENSANCHE S.L. with CIF B9529868683 is the owner of this Internet domain
  • The intellectual property rights of this website and its contents are owned by The intellectual property rights of this website and its contents are owned by LA VIÑA DEL ENSANCHE S.L..


  • Reproduction of the contents of this website is authorised provided that the origin is mentioned or authorisation is requested, except for data protected by European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data or other information that may be protected by other legal provisions.


  • The aim is to minimise service interruptions and problems caused by technical errors. No responsibility is assumed for interruptions or deficiencies in the service, nor for problems that may result from the consultation of these pages.

Access recommendations

  • LA VIÑA DEL ENSANCHE S.L. ensures that the presentation of all the essential contents and functionalities of the website is independent of the physical devices and web browsers used for this purpose, coded with free and open technical standards, and accessible to browsers adapted for people with disabilities or sensory, motor or cognitive limitations.
  • It is recommended to use modern browsers in their most recent versions, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.

Terms of use

  • It is forbidden to send unsolicited bulk mail or unsolicited mail (SPAM) to email accounts used on this website.
    It is forbidden to use this website for commercial purposes or in an inappropriate manner for its own purposes.
  • The user may not access the website in a way that damages, deteriorates, disables or overloads the services and/or information offered.

Privacy of personal data

  • The privacy policy is based on requesting only the data strictly necessary to be able to provide you with the services of the Web.
  • In accordance with the European Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that the data obtained from this form will be incorporated into a file under the responsibility of LA VIÑA DEL ENSANCHE S.L. in order to answer your questions and send you related information that may be of interest to you. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to our address at CALLE DIPUTACION 10 LONJA, Bilbao, Bizkaia (48008)